Monday 24 April 2023

How to make customer service efficiency an org-wide priority

The choice between quality and speed gets harder every day. As expectations rise, it’s clear that consumers won’t make any sacrifices on customer service efficiency or quality. They want both, and brands are racing to keep up.

It’s a race no one can afford to lose, especially now that social media customer service has pushed 1:1 business-consumer interactions into center stage. Thanks to social, your audience can get a feel for what it would be like to shop with your brand without ever making it to checkout.

Balancing the push and pull between quality and efficiency is foundational in building a solid brand reputation. In this article, we break down the why and how behind efficient customer service, so you can exceed expectations without exceeding your team’s bandwidth.

What is customer service efficiency?

A text-based graphic that says, “What is customer service efficiency? Customer service efficiency is the process of continuously optimizing interactions between a brand and its customers for timely resolutions that benefit both parties. Customers enjoy faster service, and customer care reps streamline their workloads by removing redundancies.”

Customer service efficiency is the process of continuously optimizing interactions between a brand and its customers for timely resolutions that benefit both parties. Customers enjoy faster service, and customer care reps streamline their workloads by removing redundancies.

Customer service efficiency places equal importance on both the “service” and “efficiency” portions of the term. A process optimization is only truly an efficiency if customers still receive the quality of support that they know and expect.

Why efficient customer service matters

Your customer’s expectations aren’t just shaped by previous experiences with your brand. They’re shaped by experiences with any other businesses across all industries.

According to The Sprout Social Index™ 2022, more than half (57%) of US consumers expect a response within 12 hours. If brands don’t respond to inquiries before the day is through, they risk frustrating their customers—or losing them altogether.

Nearly half (48%) of customers switched brands over the past year due to customer service, making it the third most common reason for doing so. Improving your customer service efficiency practices does more than just impress customers—it significantly impacts customer satisfaction and loyalty, positively impacting teams from sales to marketing to HR.

Metrics to measure customer service efficiency

All customer service efficiency metrics are customer service metrics, but not all customer service metrics are efficiency metrics. If that sounds confusing, here’s a visual to lay it all out.

An entirely overlapping venn diagram, where one smaller circle is on top of another larger circle. The smaller circle says “customer service efficiency metrics”. The larger circle says “customer service metrics”. The image implies that customer service efficiency metrics are a small subset of “customer service metrics”. The image has a heading that says “customer service metrics focus on productivity”.

The key difference is a focus on productivity. Customer service efficiency metrics will tell you how quickly and effectively customer inquiries are getting resolved. These KPIs are especially useful for identifying opportunities for process refinements.

To track support efficiency, consider measuring:

  • Average first reply time: The time it takes for your team to send out the first reply to an inbound customer message within business hours.
  • Average reply wait time: How long customers wait in between responses until their issues are resolved.
  • Total received messages: How many total customer messages landed in your inbox.
  • Reply or response rate: The rate that brands respond to messages or comments they receive on a daily basis.
  • Resolution rate: The percentage of customer inquiries that are fully resolved.

5 ways to improve customer service efficiency

A support team can only be as efficient as the tools and collaboration norms that support its day-to-day operations.

Here are five ways to banish complexity, increase overall efficiency and empower your team:

1. Improve time to resolution

Customers don’t just want speedy responses—they expect them.

If your team isn’t responding to inquiries within the 12-hour mark, 30% of customers will buy from a competitor instead.

Platforms like Sprout can help prevent that bottom-line-impacting churn through a suite of tools that support faster social media response times. These social customer service efficiency features include:

  • Smart Inbox: Monitor mentions and messages across social in a single, real-time feed to prevent jumping from profile to profile.
  • Collision Detection: Receive real-time notifications when team members are responding to a message to avoid duplicate or conflicting responses.

A screenshot of the Sprout Social Smart Inbox, showcasing the Collision Detection feature.

  • Suggested Replies: Machine learning technology recommends appropriate responses to frequently asked questions by looking at the previous 90 days or most recent 2,000 messages you’ve sent from your individual Twitter accounts.

2. Empower agents to do their best work

When a customer contacts your support line, they’re rarely checking in to say “thanks”. They’re reaching out because they have an issue. Your customer support agents are your frontline defense against escalations that threaten your brand’s bottom line. Providing your team with the resources they need is an easy way to boost both customer service efficiency and agent satisfaction.

Leveraging self-service support tools (like customer service chatbots) is a great way to attract, motivate and retain top talent. These tools filter out easy, repetitive questions that can make the job feel monotonous. They also free up your team’s time, so they can focus on more complicated, high touch issues.

A screenshot of Sprout's Bot Builder creating a bot for the @SproutCoffeeCo Twitter account.

You can also invest in your team through professional development opportunities, like trainings or teachbacks. Dedicating time and resources to skill-building will position your business as a career partner, increasing employee engagement and eventually customer satisfaction.

3. Invest in interoperable tools

Point solutions can end up creating more problems then, well, solutions.

Individual disconnected tools reduce cost efficiency and create risky data silos. Think about it: If a customer reaches out to your business for support on multiple channels, that creates several tickets that will be routed to several reps. If their answers aren’t in lockstep, they risk duplicating work or escalating the issue they were trying to solve.

The more disjointed your customer service tools are, the more disjointed—and less efficient—your customer experience will be.

Reduce your reliance on duplicative tools by picking integrated solutions that contribute to a single 360-degree view of your customer. For example, Sprout Social integrates with leading CRMs, like Salesforce, Marketo and Microsoft Dynamics 365 to provide agents with a comprehensive understanding of a customer’s history with an organization before they respond to a tagged message or mention.

A screenshot of social data from Sprout integrated in the Salesforce platform, which demonstrates how incoming social messages can be linked to existing contacts and cases.

4. Practice proactive communication

Proactive communication can stop a crisis in its tracks, saving your support team from having to wade through a flood of tickets.

This Tweet from Southern California Edison is a perfect example of what I mean. When phone scammers were calling customers, claiming they had past due bills to pay, the SCE team got in front of the issue by developing content to raise consumer awareness

A screenshot of a Tweet from Southern California Edison that says “Think you’d never fall for #scams? Think again. Some of the most common scams take advantage of our basic psychological needs and instincts, catching us off guard and costing consumers billions of dollars annually. Read tips to help you avoid imposters.” The Tweet includes an image that says “SCAM ALERT. REMINDER: SCE does not have a “Disconnection Department”.

These efforts prevent crises from escalating, saving time and resources that would otherwise be spent on damage control. They also contribute to a stronger overall brand reputation and a more reassuring customer experience.

5. Measure your performance and iterate as needed

Exceptional customer experiences begin with the pursuit of continuous improvement.

Measuring customer service efficiency allows businesses to identify areas for improvement so they can make data-driven decisions on process optimizations. It’s much easier to spot bottlenecks or gaps in operations when you’re keeping a pulse on priority KPIs.

Sprout customers use the Inbox Activity report for a holistic view of social customer care efforts. Report comparison periods make it that much easier to identify trends in incoming message volumes, reply rates and more.

A screenshot of Sprout's Inbox Activity Report. In the report, you can see a summary of all key performance metrics for received messages and inbox actions and a change over time in inbox volume.

Dashboards like these help brands consistently deliver efficient and effective customer support. In today’s competitive business landscape, that’s a key differentiator that can turn first-time customers into loyal fans.

Improve customer service efficiency with the right tools

You don’t have to choose between speed and quality. You can create ideal experiences for customers, agents and business leaders—you just need to invest in the right toolkit.

If you’re curious about how Sprout Social can elevate your support practices, now’s a great time to take the platform for a test drive. Sign up for a free trial today, and learn how Sprout can help your team raise the bar for your customers.

The post How to make customer service efficiency an org-wide priority appeared first on Sprout Social.

from Sprout Social

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