Wednesday 7 March 2018

How to Write the Perfect Welcome Email in Under One Minute

welcome email

Your welcome email is the very first message you send to your subscribers — so it’s important to make a fantastic first impression. The reason: If you dazzle your readers with your welcome email, they’ll be more likely to open the next email you send. (Your welcome email is just one of the 7 messages successful entrepreneurs and businesses use in their marketing. Learn the 7-email formula — plus discover how to create your very own engaging, profitable automated email series with 24/7 Email Marketing Master Class. Hurry! Registration closes March 13th.) But that doesn’t mean you need to spend hours crafting the perfect welcome email. You can do it in less than a minute. Seriously. We timed it. You can use AWeber’s Email Libs tool. It comes with 50 templates, and all you need to do is fill in the blanks. Check out how easy it is to use below.

What to include in your welcome email

This welcome email template in Email Libs includes some key components every welcome email should have.
  1. It welcomes your subscribers to your list.
  2. It sets expectations (reveals the type of content your subscribers can expect from you, as well how often they will receive it).
  3. It delivers your lead magnet a.k.a. your incentive (if you have one) for joining your list.
  4. It includes your contact information.
  5. It asks your subscribers to “whitelist” you so that your messages reach their inbox instead of their spam folders.
If you want to really knock your welcome email out of the park, though, we recommend using it as a starting place. 

Add your own twist

Once you fill in the blanks in the template, copy and paste the words into a Word doc or a Google doc. Then add your own “spice” to the text to personalize it. Here are some easy ways to do that. 1. Be human. Your welcome email is automated, but it shouldn't sound like it came from a robot. Your subscribers want to hear from you. Set the tone, and let your personality shine through. If you like using emojis, add one. 😎 If you have opinions, confidently express them. If you’re always an optimist, end with your favorite motivational quote. If you pride yourself on being irreverent, then tell it how it is! Heck, if you’re the king of “dad jokes,” include one. (How do you make a Kleenex dance? Put a little boogie in it!) Remember, this is your first impression. Make a splash right from the get-go. If you do this right, your readers will eventually be able to recognize your voice in every stage even if your logo and brand colors go missing from your emails. And they'll be even more excited to open your next email. 2. Avoid R.O.T. (redundant, outdated, and/or trivial information). Your content has to be valuable. A subscriber joined your list because they think you can help them solve their problem. Sure, you may have a free lead magnet to entice them, but that content still needs to be high-quality, fresh, creative, and useful. If it’s just something your subscribers can find on Google or your emails are full of content that your competitors also provide, they’ll bounce out of your list and never make it to the next email in your series. 3. Tell stories. Humans love stories. We communicate through them. We learn from them. Our personal stories and memories give our lives meaning and order.

Your welcome email can include your story. It’s your chance to tell your subscribers why you’re the best person to give them information.

But don’t write a novel. Try to keep your story to 10 sentences or less.

Here’s a great example of a super short, but compelling Story Email from Jill Angie of Not Your Average Runner. It’s her first email in her automated series for new subscribers, and it’s included as a section within her welcome note.

Story Email Jill’s story is 10 sentences. That’s it. But in her story she oozes likability and she hits her readers’ biggest pain point: weight loss. She knows that’s why her subscribers joined her mailing list, so she wastes no time addressing their challenge in her very first message. If you’re not a writer, no problem. Shoot a quick 30-second video of yourself and link out to it from your welcome email. Or include a photo of yourself. 

What comes after your welcome email?

Once you have your welcome email set, it's time to start thinking about the rest of your automated sequence. The best email marketers are not spinning their wheels every day trying to come up with email ideas. They're not trading time for money. They've automated their emails so their subscribers go through their entire marketing funnel. They turn their subscribers into buyers, and then buyers into brand advocates — without ever manually sending an email! It all runs on autopilot, bringing in new customers and driving profit day after day after day. In 24/7 Email Marketing Master Class, we reveal the perfect automated 7-email sequence that successful entrepreneurs and businesses are using right now. By the time you finish the class, you'll be able to build your very own automated series that gets results around the clock. Sign up now — registration closes March 13th!  

The post How to Write the Perfect Welcome Email in Under One Minute appeared first on Email Marketing Tips.

from Email Marketing Tips

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