Tuesday 25 June 2024

The pros and cons of social media in healthcare

The healthcare industry has always been a bit conservative when it comes to adopting new tech—and social media is no exception. Although experienced professionals understand that social media is transformative for healthcare organizations, some still need to persuade their leaders of its impact and elevate their strategies.

From boosting patient engagement to transforming service delivery, the potential benefits are huge. Of course, this also comes with its own set of risks and challenges.

So, how can healthcare providers navigate these waters effectively? Let’s explore the pros and cons of social media in healthcare and discuss actionable strategies to make sure the benefits outweigh the risks.

The pros of social media in healthcare

Social media offers a variety of advantages for the healthcare industry—ranging from combating misinformation to enhanced service delivery. Here are some of the ways healthcare organizations benefit from an integrated social media strategy.

Grow patient services and retention

Social media allows healthcare organizations to connect with patients at every stage of their healthcare journey.

By maintaining a dialogue on social media, healthcare providers can promote services, share health tips and establish an ongoing relationship with their community, enhancing patient retention.

Organizations can use locally trending healthcare topics to address the needs of their patients in a particular geographic area. For instance, regional healthcare providers can share information and advice on combating seasonal allergens by publishing posts to social platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

By regularly posting health tips and updates, providers can keep patients informed about new services and health advice, making them feel valued and cared for.

Provide better patient care

Social media is a powerful tool for healthcare brands that commit to keeping social media response times low.

Real-time interactions lead to faster resolutions and improved patient satisfaction, which is critical in a field where timely responses can significantly impact patient outcomes.

But delivering a timely response isn’t just beneficial in healthcare—it’s an expectation. The 2023 Sprout Social Index™ Report found 30% of consumers assume they’ll receive a response from a brand on social media the same day, and even 23% anticipate a response within 1–2 hours.

Data visualization from The Sprout Social Index™ illustrating how quickly consumers expect a response from brands on social in 2022 and 2023. In 2023, nearly 70% expect a response within 24 hours or less. In 2022, 77% of consumers expected a response within 24 hours or less.

Consider how a hospital can use X (formerly known as Twitter) or Facebook Messenger to answer patient questions about visiting hours or appointment scheduling. By giving immediate answers, the hospital not only improves the patient experience but also reduces the workload on other customer service channels.

To elevate this functionality, hospitals can integrate social media chatbots—like those powered by Sprout Social. These automated customer service chatbots can handle routine inquiries efficiently, making sure patients receive timely information while freeing up staff to focus on more complex tasks.

Get a glimpse of the entire patient lifecycle

Social data and reporting tools allow healthcare organizations to gain deeper insights into patient interactions and behaviors. By tuning into what patients want and identifying key pain points, healthcare providers can tailor their services to better meet patient needs.

Using listening tools to gather this data and present it to leadership teams supports more informed decision-making. With social listening, healthcare providers can monitor and improve brand health by identifying trends in audience sentiment and feedback.

For instance, if patients frequently mention long wait times, the organization can take steps to address this issue, improving patient satisfaction. Also, social media data can reveal which services are most popular, allowing providers to allocate resources more effectively.

Support risk mitigation

Healthcare networks monitor patient and community feedback to mitigate potential risks using social listening and sentiment analysis tools. Staying up to date on what’s said about your organization online plays a major role in risk mitigation and crisis management.

For example, say there’s a sudden increase in negative comments about your organization on Facebook. Marketers for healthcare organizations can use sentiment analysis tools to investigate and address the issue before it escalates any further.

The Sentiment Trends table available in Sprout's Social Listening Tool. The graph displays trends in sentiment over time.

Sprout’s AI-powered sentiment tools classify direct messages and posts surfaced through Listening as positive, negative or neutral. With review classifications supported by automated messaging features, healthcare providers can prioritize and respond to critical messages as soon as possible.

Encourage employee advocacy

With staffing shortages being a major challenge, healthcare organizations can use social media to support their employer branding strategy. Creating an employee advocacy program that highlights the positive aspects of working for your organization can attract qualified candidates and supercharge recruitment efforts.

For instance, CVS Health has a staff spotlight series that encourages employee advocacy. They effectively leverage their employees’ voices on social media to showcase their workplace culture, career opportunities, and the benefits of working at CVS Health. This approach not only helps in attracting new talent but also strengthens their brand image.

Highlighting employees in a “meet the team” series inspires them and their connections to share the posts on their social media accounts, which helps broaden your audience and draw in more potential talent.

LinkedIn post from CVS's "meet the team" series highlighting pharmacist and pharmacy manager Meghan Key.

Another bonus is employee advocacy can boost morale and foster a sense of pride among staff members, which ultimately leads to higher retention rates.

Cons of social media in healthcare marketing

While the advantages are compelling, healthcare organizations must also navigate a range of challenges and risks associated with social media use. Here’s what’s top of mind for healthcare marketers regarding social media:

Compliance and security risks

Patient privacy must be rigorously protected, and any breaches can have severe consequences. To mitigate these risks, healthcare organizations should implement robust social media policies and adhere to regulations such as HIPAA.

Healthcare providers must be vigilant about what information they share on social media. Sharing identifiable patient information or even discussing a case can lead to privacy violations. Implementing strict guidelines and training staff on the importance of patient confidentiality can help prevent such incidents.

Healthcare organizations should develop comprehensive social media guidelines that align with HIPAA regulations. This includes clearly defining what constitutes protected health information (PHI) and providing examples of do’s and don’ts for social media posts. Regularly scheduled training sessions should cover these guidelines and emphasize the importance of patient confidentiality.

Additionally, appointing a dedicated compliance officer to monitor social media activity and adherence to HIPAA standards can further safeguard against privacy breaches.

Red tape and lack of buy-in

Due to inherent risks, gaining approvals for social media initiatives can be challenging in some organizations. The need for extensive vetting and approval processes can slow down the implementation of effective social strategies. Building a strong case for the benefits of social media and demonstrating successful examples can help gain buy-in from stakeholders.

Too often, organizations face internal resistance when trying to adopt new technologies or strategies. To overcome this, it’s essential to communicate the value of social media clearly and provide evidence that it delivers results. Sharing case studies and success stories from other healthcare organizations can help build confidence and support for social media initiatives.

For instance, take a look at this Sprout Social case study featuring Inspire Medical Systems. This example demonstrates how effective social media strategies can positively impact patient engagement and organizational success, helping to illustrate the tangible benefits of adopting these tools.


The widespread nature of social media allows misinformation to spread. This can lead to patients receiving incorrect health information, which can have dangerous consequences.

Misinformation can take many forms, from incorrect medical advice to conspiracy theories about treatments and vaccines. Healthcare organizations must actively work to combat misinformation by sharing accurate, reliable information and correcting false narratives when they arise.

Providers must be proactive in addressing misinformation by monitoring social media for false claims and providing accurate information through their own channels. Collaborating with trusted health influencers and organizations can also help amplify the correct information and reach a broader audience.

Best practices to advance your healthcare social media strategy

Now that we’ve reviewed the pros and cons of social media in healthcare, you can make informed decisions on how to use it as a marketing tool. Healthcare organizations can follow these proven strategies to effectively tackle challenges and maximize the benefits.

Create an employee social media policy

Developing a comprehensive social media policy for employees will help make sure all staff members understand the guidelines and best practices for using social media. This can help prevent compliance issues and maintain a consistent brand voice across all platforms.

A well-crafted social media policy should outline acceptable behavior, confidentiality requirements and procedures for handling sensitive information. Regular training sessions can reinforce these guidelines and provide staff with the tools they need to use social media responsibly.

To get started with implementing a policy, consider using this social media policy template. This comprehensive template offers a structured approach to drafting effective policies, making sure you cover all key aspects. It helps organizations establish clear guidelines, mitigate risks and empower staff to engage on social media platforms with confidence and professionalism.

Have rules to move conversations to a private channel

To protect patient privacy according to HIPAA compliance, conversations involving sensitive information should be moved to private channels. Be sure to establish clear rules and protocols with social managers for when and how to transition public interactions to private communications.

Healthcare organizations must create and follow defined escalation management strategies to protect patient privacy at scale. For instance, if a patient asks a question about their medical condition on a public social media post, the healthcare provider should respond by asking the patient to continue the conversation through a private message or secure email. This approach makes sure sensitive information remains confidential while still addressing the patient’s needs.

Partner with trusted vendors

Working with vendors that are willing to sign a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) can help ensure third-party partners comply with healthcare regulations and protect patient data. A BAA provides legal assurances that the vendor will handle patient data responsibly and in accordance with regulations.

When selecting vendors for social media management, analytics or marketing services, healthcare organizations should prioritize those with experience in the healthcare industry and a proven track record of compliance.

Invest in strategies to combat misinformation

Healthcare organizations should actively participate in health awareness campaigns and leverage social platforms to share accurate information
Creating engaging and evidence-based content, such as infographics, videos and blog posts, can help educate the public and dispel myths. Additionally, participating in health awareness months and other campaigns can raise awareness about important health issues and encourage patients to seek accurate information from credible sources.

Creating engaging and evidence-based content, such as infographics, videos and blog posts, can help educate the public and dispel myths. For example, Cleveland Clinic and Mayo have officially partnered with YouTube to share reliable health information and engage with their audience through various formats.

Mayo Clinic YouTube account

Participating in health awareness months and other campaigns can raise awareness about important health issues and encourage patients to seek accurate information from credible sources, too.

Partner with health influencers and strategic voices

Collaborating with health influencers and industry thought leaders can amplify your message. By leveraging their large followings and trusted voices, healthcare organizations can reach a wider audience and build credibility.

Dr. Mike's Instagram account

For example, influencers on Instagram like Dr. Mike can informally educate the public and provide credible health information, which enhances your organization’s reputation through their association.

Just remember to choose influencers who align with your organization’s values to maintain authenticity and trust as a provider.

Use the pros and cons of social media in healthcare to inform your marketing strategy

While social media offers both substantial benefits and potential risks for healthcare, a well-crafted strategy can help most organizations effectively manage these challenges.

Healthcare brands that responsibly manage their social media presence can enhance their overall impact. To learn how your organization can harness social platforms to foster community and increase talent retention, check out this article on creating a social media strategy to boost patient engagement.

The post The pros and cons of social media in healthcare appeared first on Sprout Social.

from Sprout Social https://ift.tt/9wz78gt

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